Fire alarm cable is of the utmost importance to public safety, as it allows the different nodes within a fire alarm system to communicate. If there’s a problem with the wiring and the system can’t communicate, it can’t relay important information about heat, smoke detection, or carbon monoxide to other nodes, smoke detectors, or alarms in the system. Talk to any civil or electrical engineer about that and they’ll concur. That’s why all of the minute details associated with wiring should be understood - thoroughly understood - before attempting to complete plans or install wiring. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at two important fire alarm cable ratings - for riser-rated and plenum-rated cables. What Is Riser Space? Riser space, as the name might suggest, allows for utilities to “rise” through a building. That is, it is the vertical space reserved for things like communication lines, water pipes, conduits, and of course, alarm cables, to be vertically distributed ...